College? now what?

The time has come to decide my future. I’m 18 or over, and I feel like the decision I make today will change my life: Will I go to college? Am I going to work now?
What if I choose poorly? Is there a way to get back?”

Here is the dilemma that many of the young people meet at this time of year. Even if you are convinced of your decision, application, course or job, you have certainly found yourself thinking what am I going to do”, how am I going to do it” and is this the area I like, but is this where I should go? ?”.

So let’s talk about big life decisions made as a young person that will help you in this important stage for you.

First of all, you have to answer this question: Do you know who you are?” Your answer to this question says a lot about you. Notice that we dont ask you What do you do/can you do/likes/hobbies…”, the question is about who you are. If you mention your name and age in your answer, that’s a good step, but the most important thing is: YOU ARE GOD’S CREATION. In addition to being a creation, YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD. And you ask ok, true, but how will this help me with this decision? Ive even spoken to God, asked for help, but it seems like everything is the same.

Being, acting and living as a true Son of God implies having TRUST and DEPENDENCE in God. It means that we don’t have to understand why when those who lead the process know what they are doing. So, here you already understand that God can even indicate a course and/or job for you, but in a while He will need you elsewhere, in a different professional area, to be a business man/woman, to be a reference person in this society So I want you to know that your course or job does not limit Gods plan for you. On the other hand, you also don’t limit God, simply because you have a course in area x and now God is using you in area y. After all, when you gave your life to Jesus you said guide my life, you are my LORD. You gave permission for God to guide your life, prepare yourself to enter into the PURPOSE that God has for you, and which should not be limited by your learning, academic or professional skills.

Wait in God! What’s the rush? God never arrived late, in fact, even when many times they thought there was no solution, in addition to Him arriving on time, He also opened a path where there was none. God will reveal to you what to do: if you go to college now, what college course you take, whether you should work first and then go study, or any other question… I don’t know the answer, your friends don’t know, neither do your family membersonly God! It is not your age that will limit God from acting in your life. It is not this number that dictates how your purpose will happen. God is not in a hurry or influenced by your age. With God it is at the right time. Once again, learn to WAIT and TRUST God. Use the waiting time to get closer to God and develop this bond of Son and Father.

It’s not your course or professional area that will define your life, it’s the way you let yourself be shaped and guided by God. When you enter into God’s PURPOSE for you, nothing is random: everything that happens has a reason for being, simply TRUST.

Your value is not in the course you take, in the job you are in or in the salary you will receive: none of this reflects your value IN THE EYES OF GOD. Your value has already been paid by Jesus.God will not ask you to take a course or job so that you become someone more important and now you can be called His Son. No! None of this adds value to you.

You must ask God for help so that you can enter into your PURPOSE: your life mission that will be reflected in souls won for Jesus, and not in the increase of your personal value. These speeches about take this course to look good, earn a lot, have a lot of followers…” are a mistake. None of these ideologies should motivate you to enter a course or job. In fact, they are life goals that keep people away from God because they become blind in the search for things that are only valid here on earth. Your decision must always meet the PURPOSE and, even if you don’t know what it is yet, TRUST in God. Purpose is not a finish line that you cross, but rather the entire journey you take with God.

Learn to be guided by the Holy Spirit of God. Listen to his voice, how you feel when you think about a specific course or job? Have you prayed yet? So wait, keep waiting. Remember that the Holy Spirit will not tell you things that are contrary to the Word or things whose objective is for you to reach or follow paths that take you away from God, the Church, the Word. Your decision is not about having a lot and taking your name throughout the world, but rather about being useful to God, serving Him, honoring Him and bringing Salvation to the lostand then you will be truly happy.

Galatians 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christhave crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

And now, when you go to college or work, remember that you are there with a mission to learn to apply in the area that God needs you. You will acquire technical tools to perform the professional task or functions that God needs you to perform. Don’t be fooled: it’s not to be influenced, it’s to be an influencer. Do not get involved in habits that are not right, nor in customs that distance you from God, even if they are brutal” in the eyes of the world. Become aware of who you are and who you represent.

In short, live with God. Develop your relationship with God. Even if you don’t understand some things, you will see that it is the best that can happen, simply because it is your Creator who guides your process. TRUST.

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